Technological surveillance and competitive intelligence for the funeral sector, case "grupo Obelisco Ltda." Rocío del Mar Rodríguez-Parra, Yolanda González-Castro PDF (Español) XML (Español)
The process of decision making in mipymes hoteleras in Boyaca, Colombia Pedro Ignacio Moya-Espinosa, Nubia Consuelo Cortés-Rodríguez, Ana Graciela Martínez-Cárdenas PDF (Español) XML (Español)
A model of university social responsibility: a proposal for the Colombian institutions Martha Yaneth Forero-Jiménez PDF (Español) XML (Español)
University management of social innovation promoted from academic spaces related to entrepreneurship, research and social projection Irina Margarita Jurado-Paz, Michael Alexander Morán-Vallejo PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Analysis of the application of the integral management in six commercial companies of family type in Florencia, Colombia Cristian Hernández-Gil, Beatriz Eugenia Vargas-Vargas, Beatriz Eugenia Gutiérrez-Mora, Edward Fabián Figueroa-Ramírez, Luis Eduardo Correa-Corrales PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Capital Accumulation, the frame behind the Boyacá west conflict José Florentino García-Norato, Myriam Emilce García-Norato PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Technological surveillance for educational innovation in the use of databases and learning management platforms at Universidad del Valle, Colombia Gilbert Andrés Cruz-Rojas, Manuel Alejandro Molina-Blandón, Verónica Valdiri-Vinasco PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Strengthening of the educational projects of the official educational institutions of the municipality of santiago de Cali Milton Fernando Trujillo-Losada, María Cristina Hurtado-Zúñiga, María Julieth Pérez-Paredes PDF (Español) XML (Español)
The pedagogical practice since adidactic situations in mathematics Alfonso Jiménez-Espinosa, Daysy Maite Sánchez-Bareño PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Variational thinking mediated with algebraic tiles and virtual manipulators Odair Ordóñez-Ortega, Elgar Gualdrón-Pinto, Germán Amaya-Franky PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Decision trees for predicting factors associated with academic performance of high school students in Saber 11 tests Ricardo Timarán-Pereira, Javier Caicedo-Zambrano, Arsenio Hidalgo-Troya PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Life-cycle analysis of the publications in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) production, by S-curve Miguel Ángel García-Parra, Nubia Zoraida Plazas-Leguizamón PDF (Español) XML (Español)