Knowledge base for education: an applicable framework in the didactic of probability


  • Víctor Miguel Ángel Burbano-Pantoja Universidad de Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Margoth Adriana Valdivieso-Miranda Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Eliécer Aldana-Bermúdez Universidad del Quindío



knowledge base for teaching, probability, pedagogical content knowledge.


This article is classified in the research field of statistical education as far as the professional knowledge of the teacher is concemed; the elements of a theoretical firamework that makes it possible to inquire about the knowledge that the teacher possess, oriented to the teaching of probability at the level of pre-university education are presented by means of a content analysis carried out on various textual sources in order to establish such skills required by the teacher to guide the concept of probability within the mathematics curriculum in the aforementioned educational level; likewise, somo models of knowledge genesis are described under the paradigm of Shulman addressed to the teaching of mathematics and statistics, whit in certain contexts could be adapted to guie the learning of probability. finally a brief overview research associated whit the didactic of probability is offered.


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Author Biographies

Víctor Miguel Ángel Burbano-Pantoja, Universidad de Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Licenciado en matemáticas, Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación

Margoth Adriana Valdivieso-Miranda, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Licenciada en matemáticas, magíster en Ciencias-Estadística

Eliécer Aldana-Bermúdez, Universidad del Quindío

Licenciado en matemáticas, doctor en Educación Matemática


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How to Cite

Burbano-Pantoja, V. M. Ángel, Valdivieso-Miranda, M. A., & Aldana-Bermúdez, E. (2017). Knowledge base for education: an applicable framework in the didactic of probability. Revista De Investigación, Desarrollo E Innovación, 7(2), 269–285.





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