Stress in postgraduate researchers e incorporation into the national researcher system
The objective of this research was to determine stress and its derivations in postgraduate research professors during their incorporation to the National System of Researchers (SNI). Two questionnaires were designed: the first one on the Burnout Syndrome in Teachers and the second one on the Perceived Stress Scale. The sample was a convenience sample of 28 teacher-researchers. The information was treated from non-parametric descriptive statistics using SPSS software version 17.0. The results show that researchers suffer stress during their incorporation to the SNI, in the process, production and evaluation are difficult, but not impossible to achieve. The recurrence of stress allows the emergence of burnout; with problems of mental fatigue, physical-emotional exhaustion, anxiety, anguish, insomnia, among others, which affects the health of the researcher. It is concluded that stress in researchers triggers a series of emotional problems and feelings, which if poorly addressed lead to disease situations such as diabetes, blood pressure, and others. It is recommended to implement a program on work-related stress for research professors, in order to face problems derived from stress and increase performance in the quality of production.
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