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About the Insurrection of Knowledge and Learning

Ilustrado por Leonardo Palencia Puerto.


In the search for new epistemological and educational orientations for the shaping and construction of knowledge that subsequently constitute knowledge and learning in accordance with the realities of the developing century, a crisis of an argumentative and reflective type is proposed, which allows knowledge to be understood without being limited to a restricted vision of academic disciplines, in such a way that it is essential to generate conceptual reflections that build bridges, cross borders and promote interweavings that enhance the educational capacity of human beings and their learning process. To this extent, a process of insurrection of knowledge and learning that is adapted to the interconnected world in which we live is developed.

The purposes for acquiring knowledge are still framed in educational systems, which under the epistemological and educational authority of modernity, fragment knowledge and its acquisition into compartmentalised disciplines. This leads to a double obedience: on the one hand, it separates knowledge and prevents its interaction with other knowledge from an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective; on the other hand, it paralyses the subjectivities that educate and are educated under structures of thought that lack interaction with other knowledge, preventing new ways of learning.

In this way, methodologically speaking the path forward, is an argumentative dialogue by means of different authors, who constitute conceptual reflections in the light of new educational horizons that situate the insurrection of awareness and learning, allowing new ways of understanding and acquiring knowledge.


Education in Complexity, knowledge and learning, insurrection.

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