Teachers' Perceptions of the English Language in Continuing Education in Paraguay

The purpose of this article is to reveal the perceptions of a group of five continuing education teachers in Paraguay about the importance of learning and acquiring English. The study was carried out at the Center of Secondary Education for Adolescents and Adults Siglo XXI- Prof. Tomás Añazco Céspedes in the city of Eusebio Ayala, Paraguay, in four areas of curriculum design: Language and Literature, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Arts. By applying the data collection instruments to the five teachers, it was possible to verify the low interest in learning and teaching English as a foreign language and the challenges in overcoming these obstacles. The type of research was a case study with a qualitative approach and a socio-critical paradigm, using semi-structured interviews and artifacts. It was concluded that there is a need for continuous teacher training in English; recognition of the benefits of training in English to increase teacher motivation; maximizing opportunities for teacher professional development in personal, academic, professional, economic and tourism areas; management of resources and technological innovation; application of teaching methodologies appropriate to learning a foreign language; as well as commitment and professional ethics.
continuing education, foreign language, perceptions
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