History of Comparative Education in Latin America: An Approach to a State of the Absalón Jiménez Becerra Abstract 265 PDF (Español) 12 PDF (Español)
Comparative historical study of university teachers' union movements in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. Carlos Bauer, Luís Paiva Abstract 171 PDF (Español) 5 PDF (Español)
Bridges Between Two Nations: A Comparative Analysis of Education in Colombia and Guatemala Gustavo Antonio Zuluaga Trujillo Abstract 133 PDF (Español) 6 PDF (Español)
For a comparative history of adult and youth education: aAdefense in light of Saviani's proposal Vinícius Figueiredo Costa, Regina Magna Bonifácio de Araújo Abstract 148 PDF (Español) 5 PDF (Español)
The Pedagogical Press of the 19th Century in Argentina and Colombia: A Comparative Documentary Analysis Marlén Rátiva Velandia, José Rubens Lima Jardilino Abstract 108 PDF (Español) 5 PDF (Español)
Encounters and Divergences in Women's Education at the Normal School in Cartagena and Manizales (1903-1930) Luis Reyes Castellar, Orlando Deavila Pertuz, Lais Mantilla Escalante Abstract 240 PDF (Español) 46 PDF (Español)
Comparative study from traditional evaluation to transmodern assessment in rural educational institutions of Piedecuesta Luz Marina Cárdenas Oliveros , José Pascual Mora García Abstract 98 PDF (Español) 5 PDF (Español)
Teaching Literacy in Primary School in times of pandemic. of pandemic. Case studies Oscar Hugo López Rivas Abstract 14 PDF (Español) 5 PDF (Español)
Compulsory Attendance in Public Universities in Bolivia: A Historical, Legal, and Social Perspective Enrique Richard, Denise Ilcen Contreras Zapata, Pedro Maillard Bauer Abstract 16 PDF (Español) 15 PDF (Español)
Early Childhood Education in Guatemala. A Historical Perspective. 20th and 21st Centuries Ana María Hernández Ayala Abstract 20 PDF (Español) 9 PDF (Español)
Trajectories and transformations: Education and research on feminisms, genders, intersections, human rights, and peace Celina de Jesús Trimiño Velásquez Abstract 24 PDF (Español) 9 PDF (Español)
Cinquante Jours au Brésil: Reports on Édouard Claparède's Journey (1930) Laís Paula de Medeiros Campos Azevedo, Olívia Morais de Medeiros Neta Abstract 46 PDF (Español) 8 PDF (Español)
Interculturality in Education as an Epistemic Stance and Power Ximena Marin Hermann Abstract 17 PDF (Español) 9 PDF (Español)