Teaching Literacy in Primary School in times of pandemic. of pandemic. Case studies

Objective: to identify emerging forms and strategies implemented by teachers who developed literacy teaching with children between 4 and 9 years old during the pandemic, as well as the challenges faced to give continuity to the educational process.
Originality/contribution: Establishing challenges and the innovative and pertinent way in which the challenges were assumed by teachers who taught reading and writing during Covid-19 from different contexts, offers information as a contribution for future moments related to emergency situations.
Method: the methodological design was descriptive, as it describes experiences and events experienced by teachers in the urban and rural context of Guatemala, as well as exploratory as it is a little studied or addressed topic, allowing to know in a more familiar way the situation faced during Covid-19; therefore, the case study was used as a method.
Strategies/information collection: The interview and observation were the research techniques used and that facilitated the information for the development of the study.
Conclusions: The teaching of literacy during the Covid-19 pandemic showed changes in the way of supporting the process, causing teachers, students and their families to face challenges related to the strategies and time that children needed to achieve competencies; without a doubt, teamwork between teachers and parents was key and made a difference in children's learning.
Literacy, teacher, parents, learning
Author Biography
Oscar Hugo López Rivas
Doctor en Educación. Director del Instituto de Investigaciones Educativas IIE de la EFPEM/USAC. Grupo de investigación: Formación Docente “Fordo”, Docente investigador Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala.
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