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The Pedagogical Press of the 19th Century in Argentina and Colombia: A Comparative Documentary Analysis



Objective: This study presents a historical, documentary, and comparative analysis of two 19th-century newspapers published in Argentina and Colombia, focusing on three units of analysis: the role of women in public education, pedagogical and didactic renewal, and curricular organization.

Originality/Contribution: This research recognizes two 19th-century newspapers published in Argentina and Colombia as a fundamental corpus for historical-documentary-comparative analysis. While these newspapers have been consulted in various studies, no comparative analysis of them has been conducted until now.

Method: This study is a historical-documentary-comparative investigation in which volumes of the newspapers "El Monitor de la Educación Común" (Argentina) and "La Escuela Normal. Periódico Oficial de Instrucción Pública" (Colombia) were analyzed and compared. Three units of analysis were defined for the comparison (the role of women in public education, pedagogical and didactic renewal, and curricular organization), which guided the organization of sources (doxography), their analysis, and subsequent understanding (historical synthesis).

Strategies/Data Collection: For the search, selection, and organization of sources, units of analysis were determined to facilitate the comparison of the two newspapers. Databases from the Biblioteca Nacional de Maestros in Argentina (online), the Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, and the repository of the Universidad del Atlántico (online) were reviewed. Additionally, reflection and research articles, as well as master's and doctoral theses related to the three units of analysis, were examined.

Conclusions: "El Monitor de la Educación Común" and "La Escuela Normal. Periódico Oficial de Instrucción Pública" sought to establish their position in the educational field as a strategy for strengthening both the pedagogical (teacher training, instruction, and professional development) and administrative aspects of public education.


El Monitor de la Educación Común, La Escuela Normal, public instruction, pedagogical and didactic renewal, curricular organization, comparative analysis

Author Biography

Marlén Rátiva Velandia

Estancia posdoctoral Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Posdoctorado en Educación de la Universidad Federal de Ouro Preto. Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación, magíster en Investigación Social Interdisciplinaria, especialista en Lenguaje y Pedagogía de Proyectos, y licenciada en Filología e Idiomas. Docente investigadora Secretaría de Educación de Bogotá. Integrante Grupo de Investigación HISULA-UPTC. Coordinadora Red Internacional Formación de Educadores en Escuelas Normales.

José Rubens Lima Jardilino

Posdoctorado en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Laval y UPTC. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales. Docente invitado del Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación UPTC- RUDECOLOMBIA. Investigador del Grupo Historia y Prospectiva de la Universidad Latinoamericana HISULA. Miembro del Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico CNPq Brasil.



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