Early Childhood Education in Guatemala. A Historical Perspective. 20th and 21st Centuries

Objective: to historically establish the contrasts and points of convergence in Guatemalan early childhood education in the 20th and 21st centuries, identifying advances and challenges.
Originality/contribution: the information obtained contributes to the interpretation of events related to early childhood care in Guatemala during the 20th and 21st centuries. Thanks to its exploratory scope, it constitutes a historiographical reference that will favor the study of its evolution and will be used for decision-making in the face of the challenges that arise in the country.
Method: the comparative method was used to make a systematic parallel based on the legal, educational, and temporal frameworks of early childhood care in Guatemala during the 20th and 21st centuries, in order to understand, interpret, and analyze past and current events and challenges.
Strategies/Information Collection: the basic elements for recovering information were analysis, document review, and interviews.
Conclusions: during the 20th century, early childhood education was limited to urban areas, which meant that indigenous and rural Guatemalan children were excluded and, since 1977, only partially served for Hispanicization purposes and with unequal access. This situation began to change with the ratification of the Rights of the Child in 1990 and the approval of laws and policies that protect and promote early childhood care in an equitable and appropriate manner. Early childhood education, based on the analysis and interpretation carried out, shows progress in the 21st century, but also great challenges that require the materialization of timely, pertinent and inclusive care for children between 0 and 6 years old.
Early childhood, early childhood education, pre-kindergarten, exclusion-challenges, Guatemala.
Author Biography
Ana María Hernández Ayala
Doctoranda del Doctorado en Historia y Estudios Humanísticos: Europa, América, Arte y Lenguas. Maestría en Liderazgo y Gestión Educativa. Investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones Educativas EFPEM-USAC. Profesora en la Escuela de Profesores de Enseñanza Media EFPEM-USAC. Directora de la Dirección General de Gestión de Calidad Educativa (DIGECADE) del Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala 2016-2020. anama2777@gmail.com
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