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AI in the World of Arts: a Critical Analysis of Creative Communities Working with Machine Learning and the Effects of Technology on Artistic Production


This article examines the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and contemporary art, focusing on how AI reconfigures creativity, authorship, and social dynamics in artistic production, as well as its broader ethical and aesthetic implications. Through a critical review of the relevant literature—encompassing the technical community, the art world, and the cognitive sciences—this study illuminates the multifaceted interactions that shape creative processes. It identifies tensions between human creativity and machine-generated output, acknowledging that while AI can democratize access to artistic tools, it also raises pressing questions regarding authenticity and the valuation of art produced by humans compared to that created by machines. The analysis concludes by underscoring the importance of including diverse voices in AI development to mitigate biases and redefine prevailing notions of creativity and authorship within a posthumanist framework.


Art, Artificial Intelligence, Creativity, Posthumanism, Authenticity

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Author Biography

Hector Alonso Martínez

Associate Professor, Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education, Faculty of Education, Universidad de Barcelona.

Mauro Jarquín-Ramírez

Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Enrique Javier Díez-Gutiérrez

Professor of the Faculty of Education at the Universidad de León


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