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Parent involvement in preschool education and its relationship with family income

Ilustrado por Leonardo Palencia Puerto.


The objective of this study was to identify the relationship that exists between the family income of families with children in early education, and their involvement in their children's school education, considering the frequency of involvement in the school they report and the level of relevance they give to the school and non-school barriers as limiting their participation. A survey was applied to 79 parents, residents of different municipalities of Nuevo León, Mexico. The results indicated that the higher the monthly income, the more frequently parents participate in school. Barriers to school for lower-income parents are that school staff seem too busy and they are worried that adults at school will treat their child differently if they raise a concern. While the non-school barriers that these same people mention are that they have a very busy schedule and that they require the care of their children.


parental involvement, school barriers, monthly income, socioeconomic level

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