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Searching for Remedy: disseminating the rational use of medications through cinema

Ilustrado por Leonardo Palencia Puerto.


This document shows the results of the research project “Buscando Remedio”, an educational intervention around the rational use of medications that was applied in tenth grade students of a district educational institution in the city of Bogotá D.C. This document summarizes the practical background, as well as the theoretical basis of the project. The methods used during the design and execution of the intervention are reported, as well as the results obtained from the sessions. The project resulted in a pilot training program that applies a novel methodology, leveraging the tools of community cinema and game-based learning to learn relevant public health messages as well as technical and practical knowledge in a simple way. The students demonstrated to be more receptive to learning about the rational use of medications, taking an active role in the creation of audiovisual pieces and disseminating this information in media frequented by their peers


health policy, Medicines, Film making, Health education, community cinema

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Author Biography

Luisa María Mendieta Chaparro

Lawyer, student of the Master's Degree in Biosciences and Law at the National University of Colombia. Researcher at the Medications, Information and Power Thinking Center. Member of Allied Universities for Essential Medicines (UAEM Colombia)

Geny Carolina Silva Carrillo

Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the National University of Colombia and Master in Public Health from the University of the Andes. Member of Allied Universities for Essential Medicines (UAEM Colombia)

Aura Cristina Restrepo Sierra

Philosopher, professional from the National University of Colombia and director of the Kiné School



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