Exploring Assessment and Feedback: EFL E-Learning in Saboyá during Covid-19

During the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers from a rural institution in Saboyá experienced a negative impact on their academic processes due to limited student access to the internet. The objective of this research was to identify and analyze the assessment strategies, mediated in e-learning, for English as a foreign language classes in a rural school. This investigation was based on a qualitative case study in which teachers from the institution voluntarily participated. The information was collected through questionnaires, artifacts, and field notes, and was analyzed through a triangulation process. The results revealed that the assessment strategy employed in this institution focused on the development of worksheets exchanged throughout WhatsApp. Consequently, the assessment had a primarily summative orientation. Furthermore, communication was limited to phone calls which resulted in a deficiency in the feedback process
Assessment, assessment strategies, E-learning, English as a foreign language, worksheets, Covid-19
Author Biography
Andrés Chaparro
He has a Bachelor’s degree in Bilingual Education. Currently, he studies a master’s in economics and politics in education at Externado University
Johanna Castillo
She has a Bachelor's degree in Bilingual Education from Bosque University
Tatiana Herrera
Bachelor of Bilingualism with an emphasis on teaching English at El Bosque University
Lizeth Morales
Bachelor of Bilingualism with an emphasis on teaching English at El Bosque University.
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