LGBTQ Teacher’s Identities Within Heteronormative SchoolEnvironments
LGBTQ teachers face multiple challenges throughout their professional life as a result of pervasiveheteronormative school environments or heteronormativity in general. Nevertheless, LGBTQ teachers'realities remain somewhat undiscussed and underexplored, especially in Colombia. This articlereflects upon the way LGBTQ educators' identities are hindered by heteronormative workplaceclimates and addresses actions that might lead to the (re)construction of more supportive schoolenvironments in Colombia.
Palabras clave
heteronormativity, identity, LGBTQ teachers, school environment, workplace climate
Biografía del autor/a
José Antonio España Delgado
Jose Antonio España is a full-time English teacher at Rafael Pombo, a private school in Neiva. He holds a B.A. in English Language Teaching from Universidad Surcolombiana and is a M.A. candidate in English Language Teaching at Universidad Surcolombiana.