So you are considering becoming a qualitative researcher: Some initial thoughts for pre-service and in-service EFL teachers intending to enter the field

Doing research within the qualitative paradigm can be a challenging task sometimes. However, when well designed and implemented, research itself and being engaged in research related activities offers a myriad of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Considering these aspects, through this reflective article I provide some thoughts on initial aspects I consider pre-service and in-service EFL teachers should bear in mind if intending to enter the qualitative research field. In doing so, firstly I provide a general overview of what qualitative research is while also making an analysis of what it implies. Second, I reflect upon some elements which should be considered at the moment of beginning a formal research endeavor. Finally, the final remarks derived from the practical considerations given to pre-service and in-service EFL teachers willing to work with qualitative inquiry are presented.
Key words: English teachers, qualitative research, thoughts for English teachers intending to enter the field
English teachers, qualitative research, EFL teaching
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