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e-Learning Integrated STEM Education Center (eLISE) in Asia: A Reflection Case Study of Taiwan and Vietnam Research Project


Objective:This article describes the implementation plan, advance and future directions of the academic and educational research center eLISE (e-Learning Integrated STEM Education Center) whose foundation intends to narrow the collaboration between Taiwan and Vietnam in e-Learning and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) in the framework of the New Southbound Policy[1], a long-term project announced by the Taiwanese government to strengthen the partnership with South Asian countries.

Originality / contribution:This article contributes to the reflection about the promotion of international cooperation in innovation, scientific and technological research as well as the analysis of public policies guided towards e-Learning and STEM innovation.

Information collection method / strategies: The stages of the research and innovation process were (1) Innovation e-Learning and STEM Instruction teaching material and module: test application, teacher workshops and interviews (2) Innovation e-Learning and STEM assessment through CloudClassRoom observation with Gamified Electronic Audio Response System and Google Bert. 

Conclusions: The description of the implementation of eLISE, the explanation of the development of innovative curriculums and teacher workshops, as well as the talent exchange and the cooperation between industry and academy, highlights the importance of cultivate talents and workforces educated through STEM and e-Learning, seeking regional development and prosperity for both, Taiwan and Vietnam.


[1] Office of Trade Negotiations, executive Yuan, Bureau of Foreign Trade, T. M. of E. A. New Southbound Policy Guidelines and Action Plan. (Taipei, 2017).



STEM, Asia, New Southbound Policy, cross-border cooperation, e-learning


Author Biography

Chun- Yen Chang

Science education scholar in Taiwan. Currently, he serves as Chair Professor in the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Director of the Science Education Center (NTNU), Professor of the Graduate Institute of Science Education and the Department of Earth Sciences (NTNU). Over the past few years, he has been a Visiting Professor at the Taipei Medical University, The Education University of Hong Kong, and the Paris 8 University. He is Editor-in-chief of the Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education; Co-editor of the International Journal of Educational Methodology and Editorial Board Member of the Studies in Science EducationLearning, Media & Technology, & Journal of Science Education and Technology.

Pei- Ling Lin

Researcher, Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University, 

Nguyễn Thị Tố Khuyên

Ph.D. student at the Graduate Institute of Science Education of National Taiwan Normal University. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s certification from the Faculty of Physics at Hanoi National University of Education. Her Master thesis was related to teaching and learning STEM, namely developing STEM activities on Nano Technology for lower secondary pupils. Currently, her research areas focus on teacher professional development in STEM education, 


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