Leadership in the Social Enterprise. Case study: “Mujeres en lucha, con tu esfuerzo triunfaremos”

The objective of this article is to describe and characterize the particularities of the leadership observed in the case study of the Women's social enterprise “Mujeres en Lucha, con tu esfuerzo triunfaremos” from the native town of San Miguel Topilejo in Mexico City. The aim is to build the description of organizational leadership based on the identification and analysis of the individual behavioral profiles of the leaders using the style theory proposed by Marston (1929). To fulfill this purpose, a qualitative methodology is used with the help of tools such as observation, semi-structured interviews and the application of the DISC test using Innermetrix platform. A description of the predominant behavioral styles of each leader was obtained, elements that served as a starting point to understand the group dynamics of talent and leadership. It concludes with a characterization of women’s organizational leadership highlighting elements such as value-based, multidimensionality, self-management, self-determination, resilience, democracy, transformation and the gender component.
JEL Codes: M12, M14, M54
Received: 09/12/2023. Accepted: 24/04/2024. Published: 06/06/2024.
leadership, behavior, talent, social enterprise, DISC method
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