Effectiveness of an instructional design in the academic performance of students of an online course

The purpose of this research was to elaborate an online instructional design, and to identify the effectiveness of the academic performance on a course of the educational program bachelor’s in administration of a University of northern Mexico. The course was taught in “SAETI, Sistema de apoyo a la educación con tecnologías de internet” (Support System to education with Information Technologies). The instructional design of the course was tested on this platform with students of fourth and fifth semester. This research was done under a quasi-experimental focus with a quantitative approach. Once the online instructional design was developed, an evaluation instrument was applied to measure the effectiveness of the use and application of an online instructional design. The student sample to be selected was made with two natural class groups, one control and one experimental group. In addition, three research questions were answered, the first question refers to the differences in the academic performance of students in an online course, when an instructional design is used. According to the results it is verified that there are significant differences in the experimental group, where an online instructional design was used, and it is demonstrated with the result of the t-student test. For the second research question, the advantages for the student are presented, the effectiveness of the application of an instructional design in the activities of an online course and the third research question investigated what the advantages for the teacher in the use of an instructional design in an online course are; the findings of this research showed that the instructional design used in the two units of competence was effective.
Keywords: instructional design, academic performance, instructional design models, learning theories
Code JEL: I20, I21, I23
Received: 24/06/2019. Accepted: 12/02/2020. Published: 27/04/2020
nstructional design, academic performance, instructional design models, learning theories
Author Biography
Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas
La Dra. Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas es Profesora-investigadora del Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, con Licenciatura en Administración, grado de Maestría en Administración, Aprobación del programa Iberoamericano con el Fondo Fiduciaro España-PNUD y la red Iberoamericana de Universidades de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial REDUNIRSE, en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y con grado de Doctorado en Educación, de Nova Southeastern University (en las concentraciones de Educación Superior y Liderazgo en el currículum y la instrucción).
Lizeth Armenta Zazueta
Maestra investigador de tiempo completo de ITSON Navojoa.
Carlos Jesús Hinojosa Rodriguez
El Dr. Carlos Jesús Hinojosa Rodríguez, recibió el título de Ingeniero en Sistemas Computacionales por el Instituto Tecnológico de Huatabampo. Recibió el título de Maestro en Administración en Tecnologías de Información por el Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora en 2006 y el Titulo de Doctorado en Tecnologías de Información y Análisis de Decisiones por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla en el 2011. Obtuvo su certificación ante el Consejo de Normalización y Certificación de Competencia Laboral para el “Diseño e Impartición de cursos de capacitación”, Nivel 4 en Febrero de 2006 y para “Consultor de Negocios”, Nivel 5 en Junio de 2006. Se encuentra acreditado como capacitador para planes de negocios por Impulsa y Fundación E desde Diciembre de 2006.