About the Journal

Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica Journal is a digital, open-access scientific publication of research articles in Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese. The journal is publish on a continuous basis, with two issues per year, and a "double-blind" peer review system for the selection of its contents.

The journal seeks to contribute to scientific knowledge in the following topics: language sciences: linguistics, grammar, phonetics and phonology, critical discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, semiotics, semio-linguistics, language and media, language and ICT, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, sociology of language, ethnolinguistics, pedagogical models and curricular design applied to language, linguistics applied to teaching, pedagogy of reading, pedagogy of writing and pedagogy of orality in Spanish.

Likewise, due to the nature of its contents, it is expected that the journal will be of interest to researchers in language sciences, specialists, graduate and Ph.D. students, and other professionals in training.

Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica is supported by the University Press of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, under the “diamond” open access model, that is, it has no costs for the authors in any of stage of the publication process (neither submission nor processing of the articles).

ISSN: 0121-053X

ISSN online: 2346-1829

Indexada e indizada en SciELO Colombia, EBSCO Premier, Dialnet, Latindex, Redalyc, Clase, Publindex- CATEGORÍA B. 




Convocatoria de artículos Discurso, interculturalidad e identidades. Actualmente en recepción


Presentación de la convocatoria 

Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica invita a autores a someter sus artículos para una edición especial sobre “Discurso, interculturalidad e identidades”. Violencia, conflicto armado, desigualdad social, inequidad, manipulación política, desinformación mediática, entre otras, son temáticas recurrentes que afloran en los discursos, desde los cuales pensar y reflexionar nuestra realidad en aras de la paz, la interculturalidad y la inclusión.

Read more about Convocatoria de artículos Discurso, interculturalidad e identidades. Actualmente en recepción

Current Issue

No. 43 (2024): Publicación continua
View All Issues

Rejection rate (2022)

Issue Items received Rejected Rejection rate
42  7  4  42%
41  5  2  40%