Author Guidelines
Praxis & Saber accepts original articles of the following types:
Scientific and technological research article. A document in which detailed and original results of completed research projects are presented. Its general, the accepted structure comprises four main sections: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.
Reflection article. A document in which it is shown the results of a completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, about a specific topic and using original sources.
Review article. A document product of a completed research in which it is analyzed, systematized, and integrated the results of published and unpublished research, concerning a technological or scientific field, with the purpose of reporting the advances and tendencies of development. The features of these articles consist of presenting a careful literature review containing no less than 50 references.
Guidelines for authors
Manuscript format and preparation
The minimum characteristics that the submitted manuscripts must meet are:
- Word or OpenOffice digital file in versions older than 2003.
-Maximum extension 40,000 characters (without space) and minimum extension 30,000 characters (without space), including references.
-The title must not exceed fifteen (15) words.
-The abstract of the article must be elaborated with a minimum of 170 words and a maximum of 180 and must present in a synthetic way the introduction, the objectives, the methodology and the main results of the research. Do not include the title of the article.
- Bibliographical references must include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), if available. Likewise, 40% of the references must be research articles of the last five years that are found in regional indexes (Scielo, Redalyc, Biblat ...) and composite indexes (WOS and Scopus).
-Include up to five keywords according to UNESCO's thesaurus (
- The articles cannot exceed 30% of matches in the turnitin software, in case of exceeding this percentage, the text will be rejected.
- Each author must create an ORCID code.
- The unaccepted work will be returned to the author or authors with the corresponding observations, and may not be re-refereed.
- An author may not apply for evaluation more than one article simultaneously.
- An author has the possibility to publish only one article every two years.
- The tables must be presented following the indications of the APA 7th edition standards; citing the source from which they were taken, in the case of not being elaborated by the author.
- Figures, graphs, photographs, illustrations, drawings, among others, must have a title and be numbered in the heading and must be italicized, in addition to citing the source from which they were taken, in the case of not being made by the author.
- Articles must follow the guidelines of the latest version of the Publications Style Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA 7th edition)
- Footnotes will only be explanatory or explanatory, they must not include bibliographic references.
- Bibliographic citations must be presented in calls within the text, at the end of the work the complete file will be given. Only the sources cited in the work will be presented in the references.
- Textual citations will have the following characteristics: if they have an extension of up to 40 words, enclosed in quotation marks within the paragraph and the period follows the author's data; if they are longer, they will be in a separate paragraph, indented, without quotation marks and with a period before the author's data. In both cases, the reference data will be entered as follows: in parentheses the author's last name, the year of publication of the work and the number or numbers of the pages, for example: (Freire, 1975, pp. 88-89 ).
- Paraphrased citations must have the name of the author and the year of publication, for example: (Freire, 1975).
- If two or more works by an author were published in the same year, they will be distinguished by letters; a, b, c, etc .; for example: (Freire, 1996a, p. 27). References are arranged alphabetically and works by the same author are arranged chronologically.
-The form of presentation of bibliographic references must be homogeneous throughout the entire text.
-When using an acronym or abbreviation, its full equivalence will be recorded first and then, in parentheses, the term that will be used in the rest of the document.
-If a word or phrase is to be highlighted in the text, it is recommended to use italics or underline the expression, avoiding the use of bold and quotation marks.
In order to resolve doubts about the way of citing and referencing, it is recommended to consult the APA standards manual 7 edition available at
Compliance with these rules is essential. Accepted articles will undergo a style correction process. Authors are recommended to submit versions with a first correction. In addition, its publication will be subject to the availability of space in each issue. In no case will originals be returned to the author, nor will there be any responsibility for the magazine.
The editorial committee reserves the right to modify the title of the articles and make the editorial changes it deems pertinent to give the article the greatest possible clarity. Therefore, authors are recommended to write with the utmost rigor, check spelling, use short and homogeneous paragraphs, and use punctuation marks appropriately.
The author transfers publication rights to Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia Praxis & Saber journal. Praxis & Saber reserves the right to publish in print, digital and any other kind of publication, in all languages. Exceptionally, it may be possible to encourage the dissemination of the articles through other means, that may require a translation, provided the journal does not have to incur in additional costs.
Note: any situation outside these editorial rules will be studied by the editorial board.
Submission preparation checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify their submission meets all the requirements below listed. Failure to comply with submission requirements will result in the rejection of such submission.
Privacy statement
The names and e-mail addresses included in the journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or be used for other purposes.