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Pedagogy in educational inclusion, proposal aimed at teachers

Ilustrado por Leonardo Palencia Puerto.


The objective of the research is to construct and implement a pedagogical
proposal mediated by ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) that
favors teacher training and contributes to educational inclusion that is equitable and
relevant. The methodology, results, and conclusions of the research carried out by
the author are presented for build and apply a pedagogical tool mediated by ICT,
that seeks to train primary and secondary school teachers on the topic of educational
inclusion of children and adolescents with disabilities. This educational research is
quasi-experimental with a quantitative approach and a pre-post design. Initially, the
theoretical foundations of the research are presented, followed by the methodology
used for its development, where the VOA (Virtual Learning Object) “Inclutic,
pedagogy in inclusive education” is presented to teachers in the region of Casanare.
These teachers participated voluntarily in the research, undergoing a pre- and posttest
process. The
show the
relevance of implementing a pedagogical strategy aimed at
inclusive education in the face of any type of disability

on the
part of students in
different educational institutions in Colombia. This strategy also satisfies the needs of teachers, enabling them to
acquire the

knowledge to
address the challenges of
inclusive education in the

the conclusions demonstrate that this
ICT-mediated teacher training tool is highly useful as it helps to minimize the barriers faced
by inclusive education inside and outside
the classroom,
making teaching
practice an
for every
child and adolescent with disabilities to
have access to quality education
from an early age and continuously.


TIC, educational inclusion, disability, OVA, pedagogy

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