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The university engineering professor between content knowledge and didactic content knowledge.

Ilustrado por Leonardo Palencia Puerto.


Within the framework of the doctoral thesis “Didactic Content Knowledge –CDC- in relation to the teaching of Geotechnologies:  Satellite Image - (IS) in the Topographical Engineering curricular project at the Francisco José de Caldas District University (Bogotá-Colombia) ): Case study”, a review of the state of the art was carried out, which addresses two fundamental axes related to the research problem: i) the teaching of Geotechnologies, specifically Satellite Image (IS), in the context of engineering; and ii) the Didactic Content Knowledge (CDC) of university professors who teach in the field of Geotechnologies, focusing on Satellite Image (IS) in engineering.


Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Geotechnologies, Topographic Engineering, Satellite Imagery

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