A Blog to Teach English in High School during the Covid-19 Confinement

This research explored the outcomes of using a blog to upload the content of EFL classes during the Covid-19 confinement) to discover to what extent the adaptation of this e-tool could be of benefit to access content for economically disadvantaged students. This study was carried out in a high school located in Veracruz, México. The participants were 171 second semester students who were taking the subject Inglés II from February 2021 to July 2021; during that period students accessed the content of the EFL course using a blog. The data were collected through questionnaires and interviews to obtain a close perception of emergency remote teaching in this particular scenario. The main findings indicated predominantly positive experiences related to accessibility to the asynchronous course in the blog, as well as perceived improvement in writing and reading skills in a large scale, whereas listening and speaking skills improved in a minor scale
blogs, emergency remote teaching, high school, EFL, Covid-19
Author Biography
María de los Ángeles Cruz Sánchez
BA in English Language Teaching. Currently, she is studying a MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Universidad Veracruzana. She teaches English to children, teenagers and adults at private language schools. She has presented research results at national and international forums. Her research interests are related to language teaching and learning as well as online education.
Enrique Vez López
Full-time professor, University of Veracuz (UV). Bachelor’s degree in English language, UV; Specialization in English Language Teaching, (UV); Master's degree in Education, Eastern Mennonite University, VA, USA; Ph.D. in Language Studies UV. Among his publications feature those related to language, culture, and English teaching and learning.
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