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Contextualized Materials: Principles for Their Development


This article describes the different guiding principles that were taken into account in the development of contextualized materials for the teaching of the mother tongue (Spanish) in the primary stage of schooling for 4th grade students of the Elementary School No. 1101, Private Subsidized, San Vicente de Paúl, in the city of Coronel Bogado Itapúa, Paraguay. The research took into account various studies, mainly in Latin America, as well as the way in which the theories were approached in order to develop the contextualized materials. The proposed literature approach allowed for the creation of material that was in line with the local reality and culture, in a specific context, so that the students could strengthen their mother tongue (Spanish) based on the communicative skills of oral and written comprehension and expression.


guiding principles, contextualized materials, language learning, communication skills

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