Linguistic Attitudes, Theoretical Review and Repercussions on Foreign Language Teaching

This article focuses on the general revision of the linguistic attitude studiesfield, and particularly on its implementation on foreign languages teaching. At first, we locate the linguistic attitudesin terms of both psychology and linguistics, taking into account the principal authors and theories. Similarly, we examine their relation with linguistic consciousness, linguistic insecurity, stereotypes and prejudices. Next, the revision focuses on the problem of the linguistic attitudes’ definition, its characterization from its polysemy and its ambiguity, the discussion from the various approaches, and the different approaches to the diverse components taken into account in the most relevant theoretical perspectives. Likewise, we analyse the relations between style, standard, prestige, linguistic attitude studiesand the connotations that take place in contact languages situations referred to education, to the relation between linguistic attitudes’ learning and formation, and to the way the latter impact on foreign languages teaching/learning processes. Lastly, we analyse the relations between linguistic attitudes, motivation, language acquisition, and the way in which they intervene in the communicative proficiency and in the communicative adaptation processes of a language speaker.
sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguistic research, ethnolinguistics
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