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Socio-environmental issues as a curricular articulator in science teachers’ training: an approach to a state of the art


This article presents an approach to the state of the art of a doctoral research in the line of Inclusion of the Environmental Dimension in Science Education - Emphasis on Science Education of the DIE-UD. For this purpose, constructs from the philosophical hermeneutic conception were taken based on an abductive foundation. The methodology consisted of reading, analyzing, interpreting, correlating, and classifying the information. According to the degree of interest and need regarding the topic, content analysis was used to process data, which was assisted by the Atlas.ti 7 software. A critical reflection route was established
that made it possible to diagnose the progress of knowledge on socio-environmental issues and their articulation with science teachers’ training. As a result, four emerging nodal categories were established, which reflect the current situation of the environmental field in science education, as a cultural, political, ethical, and critical contextualizing element, in order to face different situations of socio-environmental crisis.


socio-environmental issues, science education, environmental education, teacher training, state of the art

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