Emotions Viewer in an Experience, Photographic, Pictorial and Film
In this article the results of the comparative analysis of three studies are discussed: The Science of Art: A Neurological Theory of Aesthetic Experience (1999) Neural Correlates of Beauty (2004) and Neurocinematics: the Neuroscience of Film (2008). Each of the aforementioned research examines the neuronal activity of a group participants observed photographs, paintings or films. It was considered that the exposed experiences allow understanding the scope and purpose of neurocinema. The method of investigation was to review and analytical approach. Tables were designed to systematize the revision of the texts and descriptive tables based on abstracting RAE were developed. It is concluded that two of the studies had in common that participants showed neuronal activity in the area of the limbic system, the brain region that processes emotions.Keywords
art, brain, emotions, experience, limbic system
Author Biography
Francisco de Paula Contreras Albornoz
Candidato a Master en Escrituras Creativas
Luis Fernando Gasca Bazurto
Candidato a Master en Literatura y Cultura
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