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I FEEL, THEN I LEARN: The role of emotions in English learning process


This article identifies the possible emotions that may be present in students during English learning process and determines the way in which these emotions influence said process. This, through qualitative research with a focus on grounded theory in which participant observation, a written survey and an interview are implemented as a tool for collecting information; the data analysis is carried out under the methods of narrative inquiry, discourse analysis and assertion development. As a result, it stands out that in the participating population there is a greater presence of motivation, curiosity and pride, although there is still fear and stress, since it is completely normal to experience positive and negative emotions at various moments of learning a second language. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that negative emotions in the classroom affect the comprehension capacity and linguistic skills of learners, since their attention is interrupted by devastating thoughts that demotivate them and impede their learning.


Role of Emotions , Positive Emotions, Negative Emotions, Learning Process, Second Language, English



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