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Alfabetización Informacional: una vía de acceso a la información confiable


Objective: To elaborate an action plan to implement the information literacy programme (IFLA) with the participation of students of the ICT and learning environments class at the UPTC. The purpose is to access reliable digital content, analyze the diagnosis, and design workshops that allow addressing the proposed elements.

Originality/support: This discussion arises from teaching in higher education. Considering that the interaction with information has mutated due to digital contexts, it is necessary for students to filter and strengthen skills that lead them a critical view of the information they access.

Method: this action research work has a qualitative approach with a theoretical foundation.

Strategy/ information gathering: the design, application and analysis of diagnostic instruments allowed us to understand that this university has material and intellectual resources for an ethical management of information.

Conclusions: Ethics is the emerging category of this research. This category, when properly used, empowers the construction of knowledge in societies. Likewise, its strengthening depends to a great extent on the involvement of higher education teachers.


information literacy, reliable digital information, ethics and action plan

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Author Biography

Fredy Mauricio Gutiérrez Valderrama

Address: Vereda Poravita, Oicatá, Boyacá
Cell number 319 542 94 04
Master in ICT-mediated by educational environments
Degree in Modern Languages, Spanish and English

Colombian teacher of English and Spanish, graduated from UPTC, Tunja brunch. I consider that my experience teaching the foreign language is relevant, especially with the youth population. I adapt easily to different environments and I would like to practice my profession in places where the need exists and put my knowledge into practice. Professional experience
2017 - October to December. English instructor SENA Barrancabermeja, Santander.
2018 - January to December. English instructor SENA San Gil, Santander.
2019 - May to December. English teacher, International Institute of Languages, UPTC Tunja, Boyacá.

2012-2013. Intensive English course. Advanced intermediate level.
Crown Academy of Language, Auckland, New Zealand.
2010-2016. Degree in Modern Languages, English and Spanish, UPTC, Tunja.
2017-2020. Master in Educational Environments mediated by ICT, UPTC, Tunja.

Myriam Cecilia Leguizamón González

Colombian nationality; plant teacher - Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia; Calle 48 # 2B - 05, Las quintas, Tunja. email:; cell 310808994; academic training: Educational informatics degree, master's degree in ICT applied to education. ORCID code: Research line: innovations in technology and informatics.

Recent publications:
Article: "Andragogical theory: successes and mistakes in ICT teacher training". Praxis & Saber, 2018. ISSN 2216-0159 - Book chapter: "The virtual classroom as pedagogical mediation in the university context". In Educational training in the social and cultural context. Scientific Research, 2018. ISBN 978-980-427-092-5.

Book chapter: “Moodle, usage analysis and lessons learned”. In The virtual classroom moodle in higher education, practices and impact in the UPTC. Scientific Research, 2018. ISBN 978-958-660-345-4.

Book chapter: "Moodle in education - state of the art". In The virtual classroom moodle in higher education, practices and impact in the UPTC. Scientific Research, 2018. ISBN 978-958-660-345-4.

Book chapter: "Digital educational resources as support for collaborative learning". In Didactic Proposals for Learning in Technology and Informatics, 2018. ISBN: 978-958-660-311-9. Review: "Collection 80 years Faculty of Education Sciences". History of Latin American Education Magazine


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Tirado, Alejandro y María Pinto, “75 lecciones aprendidas en programas de alfabetización informacional en universidades iberoamericanas”, Revista española de Documentación Científica, vol. 37, n.o 3, 2014.

Wilson, Carolyn, Alton Grizzle, Ramon Tuazon, Kewame Akyempong y Chi Kim Cheung, Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional: Currículum para profesores. París: UNESCO, 2011.


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