On Dictionary Innovation in the Context of Media Convergence

Digitalization and internet communication have been integrated into all levels of social development, and media convergence has become an inevitable trend in the processing and dissemination of information. This paper studies the mechanism of innovation in the compilation and publication of dictionaries through the confluence and collaboration between the media, which include: (1) the new methods and trends of dictionary compilation, (2) the characteristics and approach of media convergence for lexicography, (3) the structure and function of dictionaries based on media convergence, (4) the innovation of lexicographic organizations. The research results show that media convergence offers a great opportunity for the digital transformations of dictionaries, hence the importance of adopting this approach to produce multimodal lexicographic texts that can be consulted and displayed through various media and digital terminals.
media convergence, lexicography, multimodality, digital dictionaries, innovation
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