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Argumentation of future chemistry teachers on anorexia addressed as a socio-scientific issue


This article analyzes the argumentation of chemistry trainee teachers through a socioscientific issue [SSI] on anorexia associated with the amino acid metabolism. The study followed a qualitative microethnographic methodology. We used written and oral records obtained during the implementation of the sequence based on the social implications of anorexia. Toulmin’s argumentation model was used to support and analyze the results. The degree of argumentation achieved was determined using the argumentative levels. The results obtained indicate that the predominant levels of argumentation of the trainee teachers are 0 and 1, which is why argumentation should be included in a permanent and transversal way in curricula for the training of future chemistry teachers so that they will be able to enhance the processes of argumentation. Regarding their position on the use of a controversial SSI such as anorexia, the trainee teachers show a broad understanding of the disease, which contributes to the improvement of critical thinking.


argumentation, chemistry teaching, teacher training, educational innovation

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