Math class at school in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers' experiences and realities

Objective: based on partial research results in the line of knowledge and practices in the formation of mathematics teachers, this article seeks to reveal the realities that took place in math classes during the pandemic generated by the SARS-virus. CoV-2. It focuses on the analysis of the vital meaning of phenomena, their understanding and importance in the context of the teaching practice.
Method: It is a qualitative research of a hermeneutic phenomenological type. It assumes the practical perspective of educational research proposed by Van Manen, the lived experience.
Strategy/data collection: In-depth documentary review of legislation, reports and interviews.
Originality/contribution: The implementation of elements from collaborative research and narrative analysis helped us to detect the "traces of the context".
Conclusions: The voices of the teachers give an account of the challenges that different educational communities faced during the first year of such health contingency, and they expose the realities in the mathematics teaching-learning process. Furthermore, the analyses carried out on the teachers' stories reveal the setbacks that teachers suffered for believing that the emerging teaching reality would simply consist of an implementation of existing technological resources, without taking into account the social, moral, cultural and ethical implications. Moments of uncertainty, tension and concern raised by the health crisis were evident and, ultimately, the resilience capacity of the main protagonists of the educational event was demonstrated.
Lived experience, narratives, COVID-2019, formation, teachers, mathematics, research
Author Biography
Nelsy Rocío González Gutiérrez
Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación por la red de universidades estatales RUDECOLOMBIA, Cade UPTC. Docente asociado Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Grupo de Investigación Somos Maestr@s, Categoría C en Colciencias.
- Decreto 457 del 22 de marzo de 2020, mediante el cual se imparten instrucciones para el cumplimiento del Aislamiento Preventivo Obligatorio de 19 días en todo el territorio colombiano. Presidencia de la República de Colombia.
- Diarios de campo.
- Entrevistas a los docentes participantes vía plataforma Zoom, durante encuentros sincrónicos.
- Material audiovisual producto de grabaciones de las sesiones en los grupos de discusión.
- Producción textual de Clara, Danna, Lina, Lucrecia, Nancy, Rolando y Zenaida (diciembre de 2020).
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