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Pilot Study on the Production of /ɾ/ in Coda Position in the Spanish of Hornos de Segura (Jaén)


This pilot study investigates the production of the tap in the Spanish of Hornos de Segura, in the province of Jaén (Spain). To analyze the production of /ɾ/ in this dialect, a survey with four background questions, ten sentences and ten photos is developed through Qualtrics. The survey is completed by nine natives of Hornos de Segura, who belong to two different age groups. The recordings are analyzed with Praat (Boersma & Weenink, 2022) in order to answer the following research questions: (1) What are the allophones of /ɾ/ in Hornos de Segura? and (2) In which contexts is /ɾ/ lateralized in this dialect? Results show that the speakers of this dialect produce five different allophones of /ɾ/, including lateralization (RamosPellicia, 2004) and variante mixta (Ruiz-Peña, 2013). Moreover, a difference in the contexts of lateralization of /ɾ/ is observed: the younger participants tend to lateralize the tap when followed by a consonant and those who are older tend to lateralize it when followed by pause.


phonology, neutralization of liquids, tap, lateralization, peninsular dialects, Andalucía

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