Explorations in Culture and Critical Education in Learning for Understanding

This article examines the impact of the pedagogical approach of Teaching for Understanding, based on the analysis of the discourse of students of the student group “Eirene” during the year 2023, in the context of their training in social sciences at the College of the Universidad Libre in Bogotá. For this reason, the concept of historical becoming in Nietzsche is used, applying an interpretive paradigm with mixed data collection techniques, specifically through focus groups and journals. Additionally, categories such as understanding, critical stance, culture, and analysis of reality are explored. Thus, the results of the research show that this understanding allows students not only to acquire generic civic competences but, on the contrary, to deconstruct basic definitions and adopt a critical stance toward national reality, highlighting a dialectical process in the understanding and creation of ideas and concepts
training, culture, history, understanding, critical stance
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