In a Foreign Land. Dialectal Experiences in Iquique, Chile: A Case Study

This research aims to interpret and analyse the dialect experiences of four foreign migrants residing in the city of Iquique, located in northern Chile. The analysis is based on the theory of acculturation (Berry, 1990), attitudes, and linguistic accommodation (Fasold, 1984; Giles, 1984; Moreno Fernández 2009, 2013). The methodology employed is a case study using sociolinguistic interviews. The findings suggest that the dialect experiences of the informants with the local variety have been diverse, yet their perceptions of lexical and pragmatic-discursive differences are consistent. We also observed that beliefs in the vernacular variety influence attitudes towards the dialect of the host community and, therefore, the type of accommodation. Likewise, life experience prior to arrival and the affective component may imply attitudinal and behavioural changes. We conclude that the variables considered can be useful for examining linguistic practices in intercultural contexts.
dialect contact, acculturation, vernacular, interdialectism, attitudes, accommodation, linguistic pride, sociolinguistic integration
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