Political Identity in the Discourse of Witnesses of the Bogotazo in Boyacá

This article examines the results of the project “Political Identity in the Narratives of April 9th in Boyacá.” Its purpose is to analyze, from the perspective of discourse analysis, the influence of a political identity (conservative or liberal) in the formation of the narrative that emerges from the experiences and childhood memories of a witness of the events that occurred on April 9, 1948, or Bogotazo, in three places in Boyacá: Cómbita, Tunja and Boavita. The conclusions may be summarized as follows: first, the interdisciplinary study from a linguistic perspective; second, the contribution to the concept of political identity based on discourse analysis; and third, the fieldwork with oral sources and the contribution to the historical memory of Colombia.
political identity, oral sources, liberalism, conservatism, Boyacá
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