Nominal Regular Polysemy by Metaphor

This paper intends to analyze cases of possible nominal regular polysemy by metaphor. The analysis of these cases involves a review of the classical definition of regular polysemy proposed by Apresjan and developed primarily for metonymic extensions. From the advanced search in Diccionario del español de América y España (Dictionary of the Spanish of America and Spain) of possible cases of regular polysemy that respond to person and sensation hyperonymes, metaphorical and metonymic extensions are studied and the semantic dimensions in which the senses can diverge are analized. It is hypothesized that for there to be regular polysemy by metaphor, the senses of a group of lexical items must differ in paralell, which implies agreeing on three variables: a) the directionality of the polysemy, b) the non-descriptive meaning and c) the aspect on which similarity is based. It is concluded that there are three classes of regular polysemy by metaphor, although groups that exhibit an intermediate status are also detected.
semantics; regular polysemy; metaphor
Author Biography
Marina Berri
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