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El cine como recurso pedagógico para promover el engagement en la educación superior


The use of cinema in an educational context adds opportunities in an upward spiral, bringing out senses and meanings for new and exciting learnings. This article aims to analyze whether the use of cinema in an educational context promotes emotional, physical and cognitive engagement. Methodologically, the study combines a qualitative investigation, supported by the assumptions of Bardin (2010). The results reveal that the students consider that the use of cinema can provide: 1) levels of emotional, physical and cognitive engagement facilitated and enhanced, 2) sharing of more optimized knowledge, 3) expansion of vocabulary and cultural background, 4) affinity with the challenge and research, 5) appreciation of the opinion of peers, 6) improvement in self-perception, motivation and interest in deepening themes focused on the discipline, 7) immediate and optimized feedback, culminating in teacher-student satisfaction.



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Author Biography

Sara Dias-Trindade

Departamento de História, Estudos Europeus, Arqueologia e Artes
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra
Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX

José António Moreira

Diretor da Delegação Regional do Porto
Coordenador Executivo da Unidade de Desenvolvimento dos Centros Locais de Aprendizagem
Universidade Aberta


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