Intersubjective Positionings among Researchers in the Context of Scholarly Publishing as a Social Practice

This paper examines the ways in which researchers position themselves in relation to their peers according to their practices and conceptions of academic publication. It presents a critical analysis of a corpus of interviews with professors-researchers from Mexican public universities. The Martin-White assessment system is employed to examine the dialogic resources and positive or negative evaluations utilized by the interviewees when representing themselves and others. The analysis permitted the identification of two profiles, constructed in a prosodic manner, which were used to characterize the interviewees’ own and others’ behavior. These profiles were designated as the non-integral profile and the discriminating profile. These are representative of some of the unintended consequences of productivity-based academic merit assessment mechanisms, and the positions that the interviewees take in representing them are indicative of some of the ways in which this system has been perpetuated despite the discontent it generates.
discourse, legitimation, power, academy, academic publication, social practices
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