Teaching experiences and their projection in the professional identity: a case-study of teachers in Santa Marta and their environment

This article presents the results of a research carried out in Santa Marta and in the rural area of Juan y Medio-Riohacha (Colombia) with a group of Afro-descendant teachers. The main objective was to identify the formative experiences that have left a mark on their teaching style and have led them to share a line of professional development, supported by a narrative and involvement discourse; in order to respond to new models of research and professional development. Through questionnaires and interviews, the narratives of 10 teachers were collected, they answered questions about their most significant training experiences, taking into account aspects such as: where, when, why, what for, with whom, what, how, and about the impact of the teaching experience on their professional development. The narrative methodology was used since it helps teachers to discover in the identification and analysis of their most innovative and relevant professional experiences, the bases to learn from their profession and make decisions to improve their identity with it. The findings derived from this research reveal a path of consolidation of thought, and formative actions framed in: school and family contexts, goals to achieve professional development, performance in teaching practice, scenarios of plurality and meetings of cultures, as well as a teaching timeline.
life stories; narratives; cultural interaction; professional development; Journal History of Latin American Education
Author Biography
María Concepción Domínguez Garrido
Doctora en Educación. Profesora Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia-UNED (España). Grupo de Investigación “Desarrollo profesional: formación e Innovación Educativa e Intercultural y Diseño de Medios” (Ref.: 125-UNED).
Adiela Ruiz Cabezas
Doctora en Educación. Profesora-Tutora Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia-UNED (España).
Antonio Medina Rivilla
Doctor en Educación. Profesor Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia-UNED (España). Grupo de Investigación “Desarrollo profesional: formación e Innovación Educativa e Intercultural y Diseño de Medios” (Ref.: 125-UNED)
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