Education and Contemporary Crises Oscar Espinel-Bernal, Silvio Gallo XML (Español) PDF (Español) HTML (Español) EPUB (Español)
Training and horizon of expectations Nadja Hermann PDF (Português (Brasil)) HTML (Português (Brasil)) EPUB (Português (Brasil)) XML (Português (Brasil))
School Experience as a Trench: Conversations on Everyday School and Education Leidy Acevedo PDF (Español) EPUB (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
The school crisis and the anthropotechnical analysis: Sloterdijk's perspective on education José Pedro Matos Fernandes PDF (Português (Brasil)) EPUB (Português (Brasil)) HTML (Português (Brasil)) XML (Português (Brasil))
Neoliberalism and crisis governmentality under post-fascism: what can education do? Alexandre Filordi PDF (Português (Brasil)) HTML (Português (Brasil)) EPUB (Português (Brasil)) XML (Português (Brasil))
Traditional education devoured by the Internet and social networks Alberto Isauro Constante López PDF (Español) EPUB (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
The environmental crisis in animated short films: the perceptions of primary education teacher training students Manuel Fernandez-Diaz PDF (Español) EPUB (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
Public education in pandemic-neoliberal times: the intellectual-formative role of the school principal Claudio A. Dalbosco, Gislene Garcia , Luciana Maria Schmidt Rizzi PDF (Português (Brasil)) EPUB (Português (Brasil)) HTML (Português (Brasil)) XML (Português (Brasil))
What is the education crisis about? David Andrés Rubio Gaviria, María Isabel Heredia Duarte PDF (Español) EPUB (Español) HTML (Español) XML (Español)
Change of era and its impact on education Marco Mejía EPUB (Español) XML (Español) PDF (Español) HTML (Español)
Educación física es salud: un sintagma en crisis Agustina Craviotto Corbellini PDF (Español) HTML (Español) EPUB (Español) XML (Español)