Acquisition of the Spanish Phoneme /b/ by Italian Speakers

The purpose of this article is to study the phonetic acquisition of the pronunciation of the voiced bilabial plosive phoneme /b/, one of the phonemes that poses the greatest problems for the Italian learner in contrast to Spanish, in a context of formal didactics through its use in task-oriented dialogues (corpus E.L.E.I.). The methodology used to study the use and evolution of the pronunciation of this phoneme in the dialogues of the corpus is the longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis in three years. In the results, we can point out that some of the variables involved in the acquisition of this phonetic segment were studied, providing a quantitative and qualitative analysis. This method allowed us to compare our observations with previous work. We conclude that the diatopic phonetic variety of L1 significantly influences interlanguage in ELE. In addition, formal didactics of phonetics promotes awareness of the function of the sounds of the L2 over the L1 and helps to eradicate fossilization.
phonetics, second language acquisition, interlanguage, diatopic variation
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