Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación aplicadas a la educación Olga Najar Sánchez PDF (Español) EPUB (Español)
Production experiential knowledge student in higher education Didiosky Benítez Erice, Víctor Giraldo Valdés Pardo, Frederik Questier, Dalgys Pérez Luján PDF (Español) EPUB (Español)
Ict Skills for Professional Development teaching in Basic Education César Augusto Hernández Suárez, Mayra Alejandra Arévalo Duarte, Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suárez PDF (Español) EPUB (Español)
Tic At The Regulations for the High Education Syllabus in Colombia Fredy Yesid Mesa Jiménez, Aracely Forero Romero PDF (Español) EPUB (Español)
We Live the Innovation of Mobile Devices’ Inclusion in the Education Diana Carolina Pulido Huertas, Olga Nájar Sánchez, Lady Giovanna Guesguan Salcedo PDF (Español) EPUB (Español)
Relationships Between Learning Achievement, Self-Monitoring , Cognitive Style, and Learning Style in Medical Students Jorge Martínez-Bernal, Luis B. Sanabria-Rodríguez, Omar López-Vargas PDF (Español) EPUB (Español)
Emotions Viewer in an Experience, Photographic, Pictorial and Film Francisco de Paula Contreras Albornoz, Luis Fernando Gasca Bazurto PDF (Español) EPUB (Español)
Competency Evaluation With the Supp ort of a Learning Management System Sergio Augusto Cardona Torres, Sonia Jaramillo Valbuena, Yadira Navarro Rangel PDF (Español) EPUB (Español)
Reasoning as a Crosscutting in the Construction of Thought Logical Lidia Alejandra Pachón Alonso, Rosa Angélica Parada Sánchez, Arley Zamir Chaparro Cardozo PDF (Español) EPUB (Español)