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Music projects in secondary school: a tool to improve socialization in adolescents


In the present society, young people shape their identity influenced by different agents that determine their way of acting, their personal development, and the social interaction in the group they belong to. In this way, this article aims to show how the implementation of a school
music project, in which students have an active participation and are the protagonists of their own learning, can be a tool to create a working environment that favors socialization and respect for others. For this purpose, the participants—16 students between 15 and 17 years old, tutor, and counselors—of a music project carried out in a secondary school in the city of Madrid, Spain, were interviewed. The results show how democratic participation in decision-making and the development as a group of the project were motivational factors for the students, who also overcame their conflicts and improved their self-esteem, which was enhanced because of
the value they placed on the quality of the staging on the day of the final performance.


musical project, adolescence, secondary education, identity, humanistic education, democratic education

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