Editorial: la formación de maestros como alternativa para una educación de calidad Rafael Enrique Buitrago Bonilla PDF (Español)
Teacher training in public policy: the field of professional practice as an opportunity María Graciela Di franco, Norma Beatriz Di franco, Silvia Siderac PDF (Español) Xml (Español) EPUB (Español)
Virtual educational ethnography and teacher training Martha Cecilia Gutiérrez Giraldo, Nubia Agudelo Cely, Edgar Orlando Caro PDF (Español) Xml (Español) EPUB (Español)
The teacher as researcher in the classroom José Ignacio Bolaños Motta PDF (Español) Xml (Español) EPUB (Español)
Philosophical attitude, childhood, and teacher education Liliana Andrea Mariño Díaz, Oscar Pulido Cortés, Lola María Morales Mora PDF (Español) Xml (Español) EPUB (Español)
Research training in the department of Boyacá: the Colciencias-Ondas program´s contribution María Eugenia Plata Santos PDF (Español) Xml (Español) EPUB (Español)
Inclusive practice for special educational need care in Bucaramanga`s rural area Luis Rubén Pérez Pinzón PDF (Español)
Ethical reflections on diversity management in inclusive higher education settings Sandra Acevedo Zapata PDF (Español)
Body and subjectivation: elements for the analysis of school conflicts Tuillang Yuing Alfaro, Lorena Godoy Peña PDF (Español)
The socio-scientific controversies in the teaching contents of cosmetic chemistry Diana Lineth Parga Lozano, Jacqueline Romero Sánchez PDF (Español)
The trust Teenagers Presently Att ending School Have on Virtual Social Networks Angela Marcela Soler Fonseca PDF (Español)