Guiding elements for the analysis and design of public policies on indigenous and mathematics education Edwin Yesid Molano Franco, Hilbert Blanco Álvarez XML (Español) PDF (Español) HTML (Español) EPUB (Español)
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Shame-less education a reading of Alcibiades I (119a-135e) Eduardo Salcedo Ortiz XML (Español) PDF (Español) HTML (Español) EPUB (Español)
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International collaborative learning experience between Higher Education Institutions in Colombia and Chile Vanessa Wiesner-Luna, Cristopher Burgoa-Godoy XML (Español) PDF (Español) HTML (Español) EPUB (Español)
Early Literacy: Journeys into the World of Reading and Writing Lola María Morales Mora, Oscar Pulido-Cortés XML (Español) HTML (Español) EPUB (Español) PDF (Español)
Virtualizations of Foucauldian research on the care of the self: : the human in check Cintya Regina Ribeiro, Julio Groppa Aquino PDF (Português (Brasil)) HTML (Português (Brasil)) EPUB (Português (Brasil))
Human capital training: shaping a teacher-subject responsible for economic growth María Eugenia Plata Santos PDF (Español) HTML (Español) EPUB (Español)
Psychagogy today: thinking about education beyond pedagogism Silvio Donizetti De Oliveira Gallo, Alexandre Filordi de Carvalho PDF (Português (Brasil)) HTML (Português (Brasil)) EPUB (Português (Brasil))
The Comenian moment in the history of the relationship between the subject and the truth Carlos Ernesto Noguera Ramírez, Dora Lilia Marín Díaz PDF (Español) HTML (Español) EPUB (Español)