Some linguistic dichotomies: a connection between language science and foundational concepts.

This work is a continuation of the research that in 2009 produced the article “General Linguistics Quiz: Brief Account of a Pedagogical Experience in the Classroom” (Corredor and Romero, 2009). This research focused on building, feeding back and updating, semester after semester, the programmatic contents of the General Linguistics course (in the Bachelor of Foreign Languages with emphasis on English and French, today Linguistics I: Historical Development in the Bachelor of Literature and Spanish Language, School of Languages, of the UPTC, with several coincidences in a good number of universities in the country).
On this occasion, based on what has been investigated and put into practice in the classroom, for more than five years we will explain the dichotomies of the main linguistic schools of the 20th century. It is worth remembering that the science of language was born with an object of study: language; towards the middle of the century it took up language, as such an object; in the seventies and eighties, it focused on speech (one of the forms of discourse) and, at the end of the century, it turned to cognition.
linguistic dichotomies, language, speech
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