Neoliberalism and crisis governmentality under post-fascism: what can education do?
The aim of this article is to analyze the double relationship between neoliberalism—conceived in the register of a governmentality that manages functional crises in the socio-economic-political scope—and the emergence of post-fascism as a response to neoliberal disorientation. The hypothesis to analyze states that, nowadays, post-fascism has become one of the contemporary main modes of production of subjectivity. For this purpose, a bibliographic review that proposes the crisis as a way of functioning of neoliberal governmentality is privileged, showing that post-fascism promotes the very maintenance of successive crises. As a result, the following problematization is developed: what types of strategies are minimally required to make education an experiment laboratory against the post-fascist and, by extension, neoliberal conjuncture?
neoliberalism, crisis, post-fascism, governmentality, education
Author Biography
Alexandre Filordi
Departamento de Educação
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