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Experience of Canine Therapy as an Educational Strategy for Students with Multiple Disabilities


Canine therapy is a learning strategy that can be applied to students with multiple disabilities as a significant support that favors their learning process, autonomy, and holistic development. The purpose of this research is to analyze how animal assisted therapy supports students with multiple disabilities attending a special education institution in Quito. A qualitative, descriptive methodology was used. The Dunn Sensory Profile was applied to a group of twelve children between the ages of six and nine, from which an action plan was developed. Information was recorded in field journals, and interviews were conducted with teachers and family members to understand their perceptions of the canine therapy sessions. The results showed that students developed communication skills, improved their participation in group activities and games, and had better emotional management and tolerance to sensory stimuli. The benefits were recognized by both teachers and families. Therefore, it is concluded that canine therapy can be a beneficial tool for working with people with disabilities.


Multiple disabilities, Canotherapy, Education

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