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From a Cartographic Labyrinth, Lives Transformed by Mathematics and Art


From carrying out an investigation with mathematics, art and philosophy, time passes to revisit scenes from workshops experienced with children in the fifth year of Elementary School, at the Colégio de Aplicação, at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. In this article, we engage in other problematizations that, previously virtual, are now updated, forcing us to think about mathematical education with art and philosophy. To do this, considering a set of four workshops or four spaces for thought, with geometric abstract art, we talk about marthematics, we confabulate with the word abstract, and we problematize body and affection in the invention of learning and experimentation of knowledge. Furthermore, an exercise is evoked in producing fragments of visibility for what was being produced with art and mathematics to teach. With this, we write these lines stretching our thoughts on relationships in the classroom, with children, with the abstract, with the sensitive and visuality, in order to perceive ourselves as beings that transform, transform, in and through life.


philosophy of difference, visuality, abstract, virtuality, subjectivation processes

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